Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Fathers Day poem from my daughter Samantha

Dear Daddy,
It has come to my attention that you are Tesla’s number one fan
It is clear that you don’t want another Highlander or van
Its an all electric, sparkly car that you truly crave
A passion for the Tesla is one you’ll take to your grave
You know all the latest Tesla news and interesting facts
There is certainly nothing that Elon Musk lacks
You’ve taken it one step further and befriended all the employee’s in the Tesla store
Too bad the heavenly prize costs $70,000 and you’re too poor
So in honor of being the best father, oh do I have a gift for you
Its a gift to show my appreciation for everything that you do
I’d be nowhere without your support and care
Maybe its a present that we can both drive and share
So I now award to the world’s best father a Tesla of his own
I hope you enjoy, it cost me quite the loan!

she then gave me a matchbox VW Bug with Tesla written in black sharpie on the roof!