Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wemo iPhone switch from Belkin by Dr. Jeffrey Mason Dentist Newton Massachusetts website

Several years ago I came up with an ingenious invention....or so I thought.   A remote switch to turn my coffee machine on.  Turns out you can buy radio controlled switches with remote fobs, for about 15 dollars.  So I purchased one 3 years years ago and hooked it up to my coffee machine. When I would wake up in the morning, I  would simply push the key fob switch next to my bed, my machine turned on, I would amble downstairs three minutes later, and voila....freshly brewed coffee.  The problem was that the fob had a range limit, and many times after pushing the fob button, the machine did not turn on.    This was a huge disappointment as I now had to groggily turn my machine on manually and wait 3 minutes!!!
     Last night, I was perusing the internet, when I stumbled upon the Wemo switch from Belkin.  This seemed to be the answer to my issue.  For 49 dollars it was worth a shot.  While I normally buy from Amazon to save money, I ran out immediately and bought the device from Best Buy since it was the same price.   Hook up  should have been simple and smooth( 1 to two minutes....but it took 5), but after an initial glitch and rebooting my iPhone 5, the device was working like a charm.  My only two small gripes were set up could have been a bit smoother(may have been my iPhone’s fault) and the icon when running in the background needs 4 seconds to open and start working. These are very minor complaints and I would definately buy the device again if need be.  The device acts like an on off switch that you can activate from anywhere in the world, as well as a digital programmable timer.   When I wake up, I now pick up my iphone, open the app, push the wemo switch.  My coffee starts brewing, and then at precisely 8:30 AM my machine shuts off ala Wemo programmable function.  I am loving this cool new device and just finished the best cup of coffee in the world. If you go to the Belkin website you will see that one of the uses they demo is coffee machine start up...guess I didn’t think of the idea after all!

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