Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Fathers Day poem from my daughter Samantha

Dear Daddy,
It has come to my attention that you are Tesla’s number one fan
It is clear that you don’t want another Highlander or van
Its an all electric, sparkly car that you truly crave
A passion for the Tesla is one you’ll take to your grave
You know all the latest Tesla news and interesting facts
There is certainly nothing that Elon Musk lacks
You’ve taken it one step further and befriended all the employee’s in the Tesla store
Too bad the heavenly prize costs $70,000 and you’re too poor
So in honor of being the best father, oh do I have a gift for you
Its a gift to show my appreciation for everything that you do
I’d be nowhere without your support and care
Maybe its a present that we can both drive and share
So I now award to the world’s best father a Tesla of his own
I hope you enjoy, it cost me quite the loan!

she then gave me a matchbox VW Bug with Tesla written in black sharpie on the roof!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Why a Tesla is better than a conventional gasoline car

I believe that Elon Musk is this decade's next Steve Jobs.   He is out to change the world for the better, convincing everyone that Tesla's electric car is far superior to the combustion engine car. His Model S has taken the world by storm.   Here are the advantages of a Tesla all electric  vs. a  gasoline car:


Tesla.... the safest car in the world!   Perfect 5 star crash testing in all categories  Motor Trend Car of the Year.    Consumer Reports HIGHEST rating ever for a car!

Zero tailpipe emissions!  Oh and by the way THERE IS NO TAILPIPE!!!!!

Replace brakes every 10 years or 150,000 miles!

No muffler

No Transmission, no transmission fluid to change!

No Tuneup  needed or spark plugs to change

No catalytic converter   no CO2 to contribute to global warming from the car(   The source still produces CO2 unless solar or wind or hydro)

No oil changes   EVA!!!!  Totally pristine under the oil splatters, coolant spills, battery corrosions, road dirt....just a perfectly clean hermetically sealed storage area for luggage

No belts, hoses, gaskets, or seals to break, leak, or replace

No expensive timing belt to change or noisy timing chain to interfere with serenity

No radiator, no coolant!

no oxygen sensors to replace

no expensive alternator to replace!!!  ( just replaced the alternator in my Toyota Highlander 2007 with 75,000 miles   cost =400 dollars!)

Extremely fast, 0 to 60 in 4 seconds...   instant torque at any speed

FREE FILL UPS(CHARGES) for life at Supercharging stations  150 miles charge in 20 minutes!

 Cheaper fuel...  One dollar of electricity equals $3.79 for gas for same mileage

No dependence on Middle East for fuel!

No ignition, no key, no start button....just get in and GO!!!

No engine engine! No spark plugs to change, no seals and gaskets to leak oil all over your garage floor!

200% more storage room than a conventional car...has a huge trunk and a large FRUNK(front trunk)

Never go to a gas station again, fully charged every morning when you wake up

Heat the car remotely via iPhone WHILE IT IS IN THE GARAGE WITH THE GARAGE DOOR poisonous Carbon Monoxide

Best looking sedan on the road!


Only has a range of 300 miles!

still have to add windshield wiper fluid!

It is expensive!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

How to correct Siri from mispronouncing your contacts

This simple to correct but not intuitive to fix
1 open Siri
2 say  "learn how to pronounce Jeffrey Mason"
3 Siri will then walk you through the steps she needs to learn the correct pronunciation of whatever name she is mispronouncing.
4  Please do not use the name "Jeffrey Mason" to correct what ever name you are trying to correct such as "Elon Musk"!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wemo iPhone switch from Belkin by Dr. Jeffrey Mason Dentist Newton Massachusetts website

Several years ago I came up with an ingenious invention....or so I thought.   A remote switch to turn my coffee machine on.  Turns out you can buy radio controlled switches with remote fobs, for about 15 dollars.  So I purchased one 3 years years ago and hooked it up to my coffee machine. When I would wake up in the morning, I  would simply push the key fob switch next to my bed, my machine turned on, I would amble downstairs three minutes later, and voila....freshly brewed coffee.  The problem was that the fob had a range limit, and many times after pushing the fob button, the machine did not turn on.    This was a huge disappointment as I now had to groggily turn my machine on manually and wait 3 minutes!!!
     Last night, I was perusing the internet, when I stumbled upon the Wemo switch from Belkin.  This seemed to be the answer to my issue.  For 49 dollars it was worth a shot.  While I normally buy from Amazon to save money, I ran out immediately and bought the device from Best Buy since it was the same price.   Hook up  should have been simple and smooth( 1 to two minutes....but it took 5), but after an initial glitch and rebooting my iPhone 5, the device was working like a charm.  My only two small gripes were set up could have been a bit smoother(may have been my iPhone’s fault) and the icon when running in the background needs 4 seconds to open and start working. These are very minor complaints and I would definately buy the device again if need be.  The device acts like an on off switch that you can activate from anywhere in the world, as well as a digital programmable timer.   When I wake up, I now pick up my iphone, open the app, push the wemo switch.  My coffee starts brewing, and then at precisely 8:30 AM my machine shuts off ala Wemo programmable function.  I am loving this cool new device and just finished the best cup of coffee in the world. If you go to the Belkin website you will see that one of the uses they demo is coffee machine start up...guess I didn’t think of the idea after all!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

  Israel is making an electric car a  reality copy and paste the link below to see this most informative and  important TED  talk.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

  Buying a new mattress is a uniquely...

   Buying a new mattress is a uniquely challenging and individualistic task.  I  have just purchased the Beautyrest NXG 100F mattress and am exceptionally pleased with my purchase.  In 49 years I have NEVER had a better night sleep and after sleeping on it for 2 weeks, my back has never felt more perfect!  

     First a little background information, I have slept on a Beautyrest medium firm mattress for the past 20 years.  I had always found it to be comfortable, but being a light sleeper would usually wake up once in the middle of the night.  The Beautyrest coil system always made sense to me as the individual coils could support each section of my body separately.   

     Three years ago I decided to try the Tempurpedic hoping to achieve the deep restful sleep I so longed for.  I had always found laying on the Tempupedic in the stores to be a very comfortable experience.  As I found out, sleeping through the whole night on it was a different experience.   You end up sinking into a weight dependant cavity in the mattress.  When I needed to turn over, I had to physically extricate myself  out of the hole, which in turn woke me up out of my slumber. The feel of the Tempurpedic mattress is temperature dependent.  If it is hot, the mattress feels very soft.  If it is cold, the mattress feels harder.  I gave the mattress 45 days and then returned it  for a full refund.   Perhaps I needed a firm mattress.   I was storing my brothers extremely firm mattress and decided to give that one a try.   This was just as uncomfortable for me as it was just way too hard and I felt many pressure points in my body.   So my conclusion was that I needed a mattress that was firm but with some slight cushioning.  Too soft and too hard were not good for me.

     About 5 months ago I decided to flip and rotate my trusty 20 year old Beautyrest.   Several weeks later my back was extremely sore and I started having difficulty walking.   This went on for months.  I started contemplating massage therapy and purchasing an inversion table.  It dawned on me 3 months later that all my back issues started when I had flipped my mattress .   Come to think of it, it was feeling a bit more lumpy than it used too.  The decision was made that it was time to go shopping for a new mattress.

     This was a daunting task indeed.  So many choices; firm, soft plush, super plush, latex, memory foam, individual coils,traditional coils, etc.  Going into Mattress Discounters I happened upon the latest Beautyrest innovation.   The Beautyrest NXG  which stands for next generation memory foam.   It addressed all my old issues with memory foam while still giving my the nice support of individual coils( a hybrid of both worlds)dr.  The new memory foam rebounds instantly so there is no sink hole.  It does not sleep HOT, and does not change consistency with temperature.   Good bye brick hard or mushy feeling  mattress due to  room temperature.  After lying in this bed for several hours in the store, over several visits,wearing  shorts and a T shirt,  I was fairly sure that I had found my match.  I was vacillating between the 100F and the 250 F.  The 250F  had more foam on top and gave a more cushy feel.  Due to my concern about too soft a mattress contributing to  back issues ,I decided to go with the firmer feel.  This turned out to be the right decision!

     After 2 weeks of sleeping on the NXG 100F my back was 100 hundred percent perfect!  I am absolutely amazed at how ALL the pain is gone.  I fall asleep faster, and  am sleeping throughout the night 95 percent of the time.  I wake  up more refreshed  and happier than I have in 20 years.  The mattress is the most comfortable mattress I have ever slept on. I truly look forward to going to sleep in my new mattress every single night.   I wrote this to let the world know about this incredible innovation and how ecstatic I have been about my purchase.   Thank you Beautyrest!  Dr. J, Newton, MA

P.S.  You have my permission to use this letter as an endorsement.